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Join our Weekend Mandarin Class for Beginners and Advanced Learners

Welcome to our Weekend Mandarin Class at the Canadian International School of FoShan! Our Mandarin Class is designed for students of all ages and levels to learn and improve their Mandarin language skills in a fun and interactive environment, Our experienced and native Mandarin-speaking teachers are dedicated to providing high-quality instruction and personalized attention to each student. Whether you are a beginner looking to start learning Mandarin or an advanced student seeking to refine your language abilities, our Weekend Mandarin Class offers a comprehensive curriculum to meet your needs, At the Canadian International School of FoShan, we understand the importance of language acquisition for our students, and we are committed to fostering a multicultural learning environment. By enrolling in our Weekend Mandarin Class, students will not only develop their language proficiency but also gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture, Join us at the Canadian International School of FoShan and embark on a rewarding journey of learning Mandarin. Enroll in our Weekend Mandarin Class today and take the first step towards becoming proficient in the world's most spoken language!

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